LAP - Loan Against Property


Loan Against Property or LAP helps you to purchase or maintain a home, land, or other types of real estate. Being secured in nature, LAP demands collateral against the loaned amount.

LAP offerings against your commercial or residential property put you in a position to use the value locked up in your property to meet any expenses of any nature.

You may select a high-value loan depending on the value of your property collateral for your borrowing.

Features & Benefits

Low-Interest Rates
Low EMIs
Faster Approvals
Minimal or Low Prepayment Charges
Funds for Multiple Uses
No End-Usage Restrictions
Residential and Commercial accepted as Collateral

Eligibility Criteria

To secure a LAP with utmost ease, you must cope with the lender’s loan against property eligibility criteria. The property must be registered in the name of the loan applicant or other family member. Here’s what you need to be prepared with:

Age Limit of the Applicant:
  • 21 to 65 years


Employment Status:
  • Salaried Professional, Self-employed Individual


Annual Income:
  • At least INR 3 lakh per annum


Work Experience:
  • 2 years and above


LAP Interest Rate:
  • As per RBI guidelines


Maximum Loan Amount:
  • Upto 100% percent of the property’s market Value


Credit Score:
  • Typically, a credit score of 700+ may be considered a good score for approval


Repayment Time Frame:
  • Upto 20 years

Documents Required

Proof of Identity:
  • PAN card, passport, Voter ID card, MAPIN Card or driving licence.


Residence Proof:
  • Voter ID card, ration card, utility bills, including electricity bill, telephone bill, Aadhaar card or lease agreement.


Age Proof:
  • Voter ID card, Aadhaar card, PAN card or passport.


Financial Documents:
  • Form-16


Proof of Income:
  • 3 Months Salary Statements
  • 6 Months Bank Statements


Proof of Employment:
  • Employers Letter
  • Identification Card


Mortgage Property Documents:
  • Required as per legal norms

Need a Loan For any of your requirement?

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Loan against Property Balance Transfer Features

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